Faces of AACPS: Real People, Real Stories.

Read stories from students, families, staff, and community partners from schools in the Meade feeder system.
Inspired to share your own story?
100 Men on a Mission Join the “Be Present” Initiative at Seven Oaks ES
Being aware that males account for less than 5% of the teaching staff in modern schools, the 100 Men on a Mission project makes it known more men will "Be Present" for students going forward.
Spreading Joy Throughout the Community
"I want to help everyone in our community to celebrate life, and I strongly believe that there are moments to be thankful for everyday. "--Kendra Eden, Sweet Eden Bakeshop
“Thank You Mrs. Haab!”
"My teacher is amazing! She helps me out when I need it."--Orion, Student, West Meade EEC
“The Most Amazing Teachers at Hebron-Harman”
"Miss Brown and Miss Albano are some of the most amazing teachers in Hebron Harman."--Merlin, Hebron-Harman Elementary School
Returning to My Career with the Support of My Colleagues
Hundreds of employees of AACPS report to work daily to make a difference in their students' lives. Some of those employees don't just stop there. See how a simple conversation turned the tides of one of our very own.
Picking Up Where I Left Off: My Journey with AACPS
"My journey with AACPS had picked up where I left off, switching roles from student to teacher. I'm happily continuing my journey, and hope I end up having a strong impact on my students, just as my teachers had on me."--Tiffany Pfeiffer, AACPS Teacher & Alum
Teaming Up with Marines to Advocate for Reading
"Here at Jessup Elementary School, we are advocates for our students to read every day but also enjoy reading! In the spirit of Veterans day we team up with a group of Marines from Fort Meade to read to the entire school."--Atalante Shay, Jessup Elementary
A Fun Back-to-School Night!
"My favorite part of this school year has been our Back to School Night!!"--Atalante Shay, Parent, Jessup Elementary
My Last First Day of School
"During my years of high school, I built good relationships with staff members especially Mr. Lucas Jamerson, Mrs. Hannah Reiger, and Mr. Jens Johanson."--Evan, Grade 12
Establishing Trusting Relationships
"My philosophy of teaching is very simple. EVERY student is capable of learning."--Danyelle Edwards, Seven Oaks Elementary School
Monarch Global’s Food Pantry
When the PTA at Monarch Global Academy realized some students were struggling with food insecurity, they immediately decided to open a food pantry.
Nothing But Great Things from Mrs. Bohanana
"When my son tells me he had a great day at school I know it's because he has an awesome teacher supporting him throughout his day."
The Perfect Teacher for My Child
"Ms. Lisa Donnelly has changed my son's life in a way I never thought possible. "
Finding My Calling in Meade’s Signature Program
"I started to get focused and motivated in my junior year at Meade Senior High School once I heard about our school's Homeland Security Signature program and the opportunities that came with it."
Raising the Bar for Volunteers
Bruce Morgenstern and the Anne Arundel--Annapolis Community Emergency Response Team (AAACERT) have redefined what it means to be a dedicated partner.
Words of Encouragement for Kinship Caregivers
"Kinship care is something I can relate to personally. Being raised by my grandparents, I know firsthand how it feels to not reside with a biological parent."--Chasity McGhee
Welcomed to AACPS
"Since I was first offered the position at Meade Heights Elementary School I have felt welcomed and appreciated within the whole AACPS family."--Deanna Webber
Bringing Authentic Cultural Experience To The Classroom
For the past 8 years, I have been able to bring 12 years of authentic cultural experiences into my AACPS classroom.
Tutoring with the NSA
Employees of the National Security Administration visit Meade Middle School on a weekly basis to tutor students in all grade levels and subject areas! ESOL and Math students in particular have benefited greatly from their services.
Connections that Matter
"As teachers, we have the unique responsibility of being the first domino in this epic domino rally setup."--Heather Carnaghan, Monarch Global Academy
Championing the Whole Child
"Building relationships with my students and their families is at the core of my instructional success. I need to reach the whole child for my students to reach their fullest potential."--Kim Travers, MHES
First Day of School Moves
First day of 5th grade!
Jessup Elementary: Inspiring me to pursue a career in teaching
"I would like to make a difference in other students lives the way Mrs. Timberg and Mrs. Sword made a difference in my life."--Ashley Kayson
A Teacher’s Dedication
"Mrs. Janie Lohrmann makes learning exciting and fun for her 5th grade class." --Marva Taylor
Equity Liaison–The Job I Was Born To Do
"I absolutely love my role as an Equity Liaison. It allows me to live my passion... My hope is to spread my love for education and for impacting the lives of children, to individuals who also have similar passions." --Mabel Stoll
“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”
"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels
“What we’re really doing is growing a community…that says education is important to us”
"No matter whether we're a private individual, private organization, or civic organization, we have a responsibility to be good citizens and do what we can to make sure the next generation grows up and is successful." --Joe Van Deuren