The School and Family Partnerships Office’s mission is to support AACPS goals by encouraging collaborative relationships among families, community members and schools. Each month, Family & Community Corner will offer ideas and resources to help you nurture family and community partnerships within your school.

Jonathan Martin, Arnold Elementary

May 12th, 2023|

“Thank you Mr. Martin for being a great teacher. Thank you for helping me and eating lunch with me. You are funny and one of my favorite teachers.”

Brady Ebersberger

Maura Bayly, Belvedere Elementary School

May 12th, 2023|

“We are thankful every day that when we drop Claire off at school we know she is going to have a fun day filled with learning and laughter. It puts us at ease that she has a teacher that truly cares about our daughter and looks for all […]

Tao Keller, Broadneck High School

May 12th, 2023|

“Thank you Ms. Keller for always being there for your students. You are a very good teacher and one of the best ones. Your passion for teaching is amazing and I know Poppy is proud. Learning something new from you everyday has been an experience I’ll never forget. […]

Cami Russo, Marley Middle School

May 12th, 2023|

“I am a former student of Ms. Russo by a few years now but I still keep up with how she is doing through Facebook, which is how I came across “Thank A Teacher” this year. I know her as Mrs. Kenny, she was an amazing English teacher […]

Megan Edwards, Nantucket Elementary

May 12th, 2023|

“You are the greatest- and Nantucket is the luckiest! Thank you for everything you do!! Xo”

Robyn and Josh Cohen

Pam Cartee, Nantucket Elementary

May 12th, 2023|

“Mrs. Cartee-

Thank you for being the best teacher ever! I am

So lucky to have you as my teacher! I love being in your class!

You are the greatest!

Thank you for everything!!!!!
