Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS

What is the Faces of AACPS?

Stories are one of the most powerful tools we have for building relationships and connecting with each other. When we share our experience, we help others understand who we are and what we value. In AACPS, these experiences often celebrate opportunities our students, families, and staff have at their schools and recognize the teachers, colleagues, and community partners who make those opportunities possible.

The Faces of AACPS is an online, storytelling platform that gives our AACPS community the space to share positive experiences. From writing a quick note to thank a teacher to sharing a life-changing experience in high school, any experience can become a story and every story is worth sharing.

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Meet the Faces of AACPS

“Our children wouldn’t be who they are without you!”

"Point Pleasant has been a great school for my daughter. Everyone from the teachers, to the office staff, Principal, assistant Principal and all the way to the custodial staff has always made me feel welcome!"--Lisa Gauger, Parent

My Journey from Culinary Student to Culinary Teacher

"Of course, I want my students to learn the culinary knowledge and skills...Most importantly though...I want them to value the importance of professional growth, collaboration, and teamwork in all industries."--Pam Klink, CAT-North Teacher

First Day of School Moves

First day of 5th grade!

A Teacher that Made a Huge Impact on my Life

Mrs. Tami Beyer is most definitely one of the reasons I am where I am today. Through tough decisions to take advanced classes, to struggling through a rough week, all the way to college decisions, Mrs. Beyer supported me every step of the way.

Pushing Myself to Explore the World Through my Signature Program

"Everything changed when I enrolled in the Global Communications and Public Affairs Signature Program my junior year. Through the GCPA program at South River, I developed from a good student into an outstanding student, from a confused teenager into a confident young woman. The class taught me how to handle myself in formal business environments, how to pursue a career that I am passionate about, how to network and create valuable connections, how to go out into the Real World ready for anything it can throw at me."--Juliana Boyle, SRHS Alum

Teaching Chose Me

"When I found the AVID program, I knew unequivocally that AACPS had been the right choice for me."--Alexis Pogonowski, AVID Teacher Specialist