Real People. Real Stories: The Faces of AACPS

What is the Faces of AACPS?

Stories are one of the most powerful tools we have for building relationships and connecting with each other. When we share our experience, we help others understand who we are and what we value. In AACPS, these experiences often celebrate opportunities our students, families, and staff have at their schools and recognize the teachers, colleagues, and community partners who make those opportunities possible.

The Faces of AACPS is an online, storytelling platform that gives our AACPS community the space to share positive experiences. From writing a quick note to thank a teacher to sharing a life-changing experience in high school, any experience can become a story and every story is worth sharing.

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Meet the Faces of AACPS

Why I Love Teaching

"Throughout the years I have met some of the most endearing children, interesting families, knowledgeable experts and compassionate professionals of my life."--Ronnie Barill, Van Bokkelen Elementary

Reflecting on my Honorable Profession

“I have come to realize that my philosophy of teaching can not be summarized into one word or phrase. It is a belief, a passion, and a responsibility.”—Nicole Hughes, Windsor Farm Elementary

Child-Centered Learning

“When student diversity is accounted for, all students will succeed.”—Debra Biggs, Pasadena Elementary, 2017 Teacher of the Year Honoree

Inspired to Be My Best

“My students and colleagues inspire me to be the best that I can be. I endeavor to do the same for them.”—Dawn Conway, Hillsmere Elementary

The Key to a Successful Year

"What worked in the classroom today, may not work tomorrow. Therefore, I am continuously seeking new ideas."--Alane Connolly, Shady Side Elementary

What a Perfect Job

"I love the promise that each new school year brings. I love the smell of a fresh box of crayons. I love seeing the smile on a child’s face when they feel good about themselves."--Josalyn Brown, Crofton Woods Teacher