Devyn Daugherty, Severn Elementary

May 12th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“Ms. D,

Thanks for being a great teacher. You are a lot of fun.

 Love, Addison”

Kali Rechtzigel, Glen Burnie Park Elementary

May 12th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“Ms. Rechtzigel is fun and kind. She is so nice and taught me how to tell time. I love her and her red hair.”

Gabriella Dickerson

Teresa Clark, Ridgeway Elementary

May 11th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

Dear Mrs. Clark,

Thank you for being such a fun and caring teacher! You have taught me so much this year. I love to read and do math. I loved all the fun things we did like building houses, bubbles, gingerbread houses, and the glow party. You make school fun!

Love, Rosalie

Meagan Waters, Southgate Elementary

May 11th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

Mrs. Waters,

Thank you so much for all you do for Rylee and her classmates! Your passion for teaching and growing your students is evident in Rylee’s enthusiasm for school, growth in reading, and LOVE for Science! Rylee loves having those early morning conversations with you and has already started making plans to stop by and give you hugs when she’s in first grade! 

Thanks for all your hard work!

The Guldens

Valerie Ford, Ridgeway Elementary School

May 10th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“Ms. Ford, thank you for being such an amazing teacher! My daughter has learned so much this year and has absolutely loved having you as her teacher.”

Melissa Palmer

Jewel Jones, Glen Burnie Park Elementary

May 10th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“Thank you for being good to me. Thank you for all the lessons that I learned. You are the best. I love you.”

Caiden Joseph Macalma Reyes

Rebecca Barnes, Rippling Woods Elementary

May 10th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“I am so proud of all of your efforts and accomplishments at Rippling Woods. You are truly trying to change the world one student/school at a time. You put your heart into everything you do and this world is a better place because of it!“

Sandra Ferrer

Alex Stencil, Glen Burnie Park Elementary

May 10th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

“Happy Teacher Appreciation Week Ms Stencil! 

I want to remind you every day how amazing you are. Your depth of care for the kids, especially my son, consistently goes above and beyond. You go above and beyond to ensure he is included in things even with his food allergies and eczema. One of the things that you do that really makes such a difference is how level headed you are and caring you are toward him and his normal developmental learning opportunities. He feels safe with you. He feels seen and believed and trusted by you.  I feel similarly and every time I get a photo or a note about some great news you or he wants to share with me on a day when you know I won’t see him, means the world. You embody the culture at GBPE and are a true rock star! We appreciate you!”


Rachel Johnston, Old Mill Middle South

May 8th, 2023|Old Mill Thank-A-Grams, Thank-A-Grams|

You take your leadership role to heart and never back down from a challenge. You are always willing to help out and are truly an asset to the school!