Filling Student’s Imagination Through Reading

February 21st, 2019|Hilltop ES, North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students|

Third grade student Brielle talks about power of the books she's read at Hilltop Elementary School.

“You are an artist and you will never be happy until you pursue life as an artist.”

April 1st, 2016|Brooklyn Park MS, North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees|

"In my first year as a student at Brooklyn Park Jr. Sr. High School I met Hal Gomer, a visual art teacher and the after school theatre director... Because of his influence, I began to recognize that I related to the world in ways that were different from other people and that, for the first time, my way of relating felt accepted." --Ken Skrzesz

“I believe [the STEM Program] has opened doors and granted me so much preparation for the years to come.”

March 16th, 2016|North County HS, North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students|

"Looking into the next couple years, I hope to be studying nursing at a university. STEM has prepared me to do so, giving me connections and opportunities that I won’t ever forget." --Amanda