From Annapolis Class of 1982 to Documentary Filmmaker

January 3rd, 2017|Annapolis Stories, Arundel Stories, Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community|

As a new "Guest Performer/Artist" with the Performing and Visual Arts program in Anne Arundel County Public Schools, I look forward to exploring digital storytelling as a way to combine multiple disciplines and enhance learning experiences.

Loving My Role as a Volunteer Coordinator at Windsor Farms

July 27th, 2016|Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, What's New, Windsor Farm ES|

“Whenever there is an opportunity to help a child, I encourage everyone to give whatever time you may have, to do it. You won't regret making a difference and the reward is the sparkle in their little eyes and the smiles on their faces.” --Lisa Saunders

A Wonderful Teacher & Role Model

June 10th, 2016|Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees|

"Mrs. Dronberger, at Broadneck High School is the most organized teacher I have ever encountered in my 18 years’ experience as a parent."--Roberta Wentworth

Making math fun!

March 1st, 2016|Broadneck Stories, Our AACPS Story Locations, Our Community|

"My daughte, Lily, like many children, didn't equate math as her favorite subject. She's an excellent student but has struggled to the point of tears with math for many years. This year she has had the incredible opportunity to be placed in Mrs. Kimberly Baillieul's math class. Mrs. Baillieul has not only transformed my Lily to now love math, she has empowered Lily and made math fun." --Lisa Saunders

“How prepared students are for college or careers depends on what they get from the school system, and we want to be a part of that.”

January 17th, 2016|Annapolis Stories, Arundel Stories, Broadneck Stories, Chesapeake Stories, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade Stories, North County Stories, Northeast Stories, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Severna Park Stories, South River Stories, Southern Stories|

"As a credit union focused on helping members of the educational community achieve their financial dreams, the fundamental belief in the power and importance of giving back is at the core of everything the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union does. Throughout Maryland, this organization works with seven different public school systems and three community colleges to support education at all levels." --Vic Samuels

“What we’re really doing is growing a community…that says education is important to us”

January 10th, 2016|Annapolis Stories, Broadneck Stories, Chesapeake Stories, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade Stories, Northeast Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"No matter whether we're a private individual, private organization, or civic organization, we have a responsibility to be good citizens and do what we can to make sure the next generation grows up and is successful." --Joe Van Deuren