Apex Arts Commercial Band Returns to Rams Head Tavern with a Special Guest Victor Provost
To perform at Ram’s Head again was a rewarding experience that is appreciated every time it happens. Here's to many more performances!
"We need more of this in our schools, communities, and conferences. Thank you for shining a light on these kids and their amazing work!" - Stephanie Wiegand, Chair for the NAfME Council for Choral Education
The band’s repertoire is diverse and is selected to showcase student strengths and capabilities. Their setlists include (but are not limited to) classic rock, contemporary rock, pop, funk, soul, and rap. The ensemble has been invited to perform throughout the local community, for various conferences, and for music festivals in and beyond Maryland.
Chesapeake Arts Center’s (CAC) partnership with Ruth Parker Eason School has grown to support our students and schools in many ways.
Working with AACPS Facilities Division, school staff and students from the HVAC, Plumbing, Electricity, and Building Maintenance programs, Trane, Inc. implemented an on-site training facility at CAT North.
Ravens Roost 65 has been a huge support to Marley Glen School.
"I started at Ruth Parker Eason 22 years ago... I have loved my time at this school, but I hadn’t always known that I wanted to be a teacher."--Patty Tita, ECI Teacher, Ruth Parker Eason
"My journey with AACPS began as the parent of a Special Education student at Central Special."--Karen McDonough, Bilingual Facilitator
"During my years of high school, I built good relationships with staff members especially Mr. Lucas Jamerson, Mrs. Hannah Reiger, and Mr. Jens Johanson."--Evan, Grade 12
"At CAT-South and at the Café, you have students from lots of areas of the county coming together, which gives you a lot of different perspectives and a lot of different backgrounds." Isabella Nguyen, CAT-South Alumn
"We reflect and we reflect and we reflect and then we reflect again. Then we modify, modify, modify."--Pam Klink, CAT-South Culinary Teacher
"I refer to my teaching philosophy as "Soul Food" because of having the opportunity to beautifully educate my students in mind, body and soul."--Carla Matthews, Center of Applied Technology South