Monthly Spotlight: 2004 Model UN Conference

May 22nd, 2024|AACPS Monthly Showcases, Our AACPS Stories|

Conference Quotes: "Our goal moving forward is to get more students excited about international relations & public speaking"... "It's an exciting opportunity for our students to engage in discourse about current & contemporary issues"... "We want our students to be world thinkers"... "It's important to add middle school students because it gives them an opportunity grow so many skills"... "Often the youth, with their fresh perspectives, come up with solutions that some older people struggle to see"

Monthly Spotlight: The AACPS Internship Experience

October 10th, 2023|AACPS Monthly Showcases, Our AACPS Stories|

Intern Quotes: "My favorite part was getting to know the other interns"... "It was definitely welcoming"... "I know what I learned here will help me with my future goals"... "It was a great exercise in networking"... "It was very different than what I expected it to be (in a good way)"... "It was inspirational that Dr. Bedell took time to listen to us, he made us feel very supported."

Monthly Spotlight: Justin Rowland and the AMS Grill Masters Club

August 18th, 2023|AACPS Monthly Showcases, Our AACPS Stories|

Mr. Rowland had a desire to connect with the students in a new way. He knew that the summer break was a time to present an opportunity to show his community he was truly invest and he started the AMS Grill Masters Club.

November: Office of Student Services

November 1st, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Throughout the month of November we will be spotlighting the Office of Student Services.

This office’s goal is to provide students, parents, and AACPS staff with the resources to help students succeed.  Through the efforts of school counselors, psychologists, pupil personnel workers, special education teachers and teaching assistants as well as staff in the offices of student leadership and involvement, human relations, and home and hospital teaching, we strive to assist students achieve at the highest possible level and supports public schools in their efforts.

For more information about this office, go to their website at:

September: 21st Century Education Foundation

August 12th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The 21st Century Education Foundation is a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3) organizations created to support the students and teacher of Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS). Working together with business and community leaders, the 21st CEF promotes collaborative efforts to match the needs of AACPS with the financial resources of the surrounding businesses, industries, and community. Learn more at

May-Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-May 6)

May 2nd, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

From Monday, May 2 through Friday, May 6, you can make a tax-deductible donation in honor of your favorite past or present AACPS teacher. 100% of your gift will go directly to the school of your choice. Visit our website at for more information.

Visit our Meet the Faces of AACPS page to read about teachers in our school system, along with all the students, alumni, employees & community members who make AACPS unique.

April-Department of Special Education

April 7th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Recognizing special education is a journey with no true finish lines, just continuous opportunities to grow in a limitless future, the Anne Arundel County Public School System and Department of Special Education has embraced the concept of responsibility, independence and contribution in its delivery of specialized instruction for students with disabilities. The commitment to children and passion in making a difference, collaboratively, is evident in all aspects of our educational programs. In fact, it is due to the integration of services, outreach to family and community and a strong belief that all students can learn, that our students have acquired the academic, vocational and social/emotional skills needed to transition to adulthood with conviction, self-confidence and competence.


The establishment of a dynamic and responsive learning community of general and special education for students with disabilities that:

  • Maximizes achievement
  • Promotes the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to society
  • Focuses on independence, transitional success and a limitless future

Stories of Success

March-Office of Digital Media and Learning Services

March 8th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Vision: The Office of Digital Media envisions school libraries that are the hub of the school and are innovative, vibrant, and flexible spaces, staffed with school librarians who inspire students to become tech savvy and independent life-long readers and learners.

Mission: The mission of the Office of Digital Media is to develop students who are lifelong readers and effective users of technology and information. We do this by teaching critical thinking, research skills and ensuring access to information resources and literature.

You can access all school media centers catalogs & databases online from one site!

February-Office of Co-Curricular & Adjunct Programs

February 3rd, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Where Learning Comes to Life!

The Co-Curricular program in Anne Arundel County Public Schools offers a broad spectrum of learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom for elementary, middle, and high school students. It is intended to complement, broaden and provide a practical application of the knowledge students receive in regular classes and afford every child the opportunity to participate in activities for which they have a passion for and enjoy.

These programs provide students the chance to work as a member of a group in order to achieve a goal. Co-Curricular activities require students to think critically, solve problems, manage time, and appreciate the talents and differing abilities of other students. In addition, it provides them with meaningful, expanded learning experiences, and opportunities to grow as individuals.

For more information about AACPS Co-Curricular Programs click here.

January: Office of School & Family Partnerships

January 6th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

January’s Monthly Showcase focuses on the Office of School and Family Partnerships. The office’s mission is to support Anne Arundel County Public Schools goals by encouraging collaborative relationships among families, community members and schools. The specific goals of this office include:

  • Facilitate meaningful, two-way communication among families, community members and schools
  • Develop, implement and monitor training for families to support student success
  • Provide training and assistance to schools family and community outreach efforts
  • Support and encourage community partnerships

For more information about specific topics this office addresses see the links below:

Community Connections
English Language Learner (ELL) Outreach
Support to Schools & Volunteer Information
Parent Resources & Support to Families

For more information about this office contact Teresa Tudor, Sr. Manager of School & Family Partnerships at 410-222-5414,

November: Office of Equity and Accelerated Student Achievement

November 10th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

November’s showcase focuses on the Office of Equity and Accelerated Student Achievement (OEASA). The OEASA team, which includes Title I, is working hard behind the scenes each and every day to engage, empower, and educate ALL students to reach their highest potential. By supporting principals, equity liaisons, teachers, families, and community organizations, all schools are encouraged to create a positive growth mindset culture that promotes the belief that every child can learn and grow with dedication and hard work.

June: Food and Nutrition Services

June 4th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The office of Food and Nutrition serves over 8 Million meals annually across all of our schools. Children who are healthy and well-nourished perform better in school, and the Office of Food & Nutrition Services is an important part of this educational process. Did you know that AACPS receives no county funds to operate our lunch and breakfast programs?  Their source of revenue is 39% from sales, 57% from Federal reimbursements, and 4% from the State of Maryland. If you see this group in the lobby, stop by to say hello, learn something, and potentially win a prize!

May: Transportation

May 14th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Every Day, over 50,000 students step onto the bus to be taken to and from school. Our bus drivers work tirelessly, running multiple routes per day, to ensure our students arrive safely, on time, and ready to learn. Our Transportation Department works behind the scenes to promote a professional and safe bus environment and to ensure our county’s complex bus plan is as efficient as possible.

April: Professional Growth and Development

April 6th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Professional Growth & Development provides learning opportunities to ensure employees are gaining relevant, diverse and current expertise. Of particular highlight is our Right Start Program, which supports new teachers by providing robust training, orientation, seminars, symposiums, and mentoring opportunities. Through ongoing and ever-growing professional development opportunities, the Office of Professional Growth & Development works to ensure access, equity, and excellence for our students.

March: Office of Facilities

March 3rd, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Facilities is responsible for managing construction, operations, and maintenance for the county. From planning the construction of new schools and overseeing the custodial staff who keeps each school clean, to developing energy conservation strategies and operating the AACPS mail room, Facilities works hard every day to make sure our schools and offices are safe, clean, and well cared for.