AACPS STEM Awards 2025 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

    March 14th, 2025|Annapolis HS, Annapolis Stories, Arundel High School, Arundel Stories, Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, CAT-North, CAT-South, CAT-South, Celebrating AACPS, Chesapeake Bay MS, Chesapeake HS, Chesapeake Science Point, Chesapeake Stories, Crofton HS, Crofton Stories, Glen Burnie HS, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade HS, Meade Stories, North County HS, North County Stories, Northeast HS, Northeast Stories, Old Mill HS, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Phoenix Academy, Severna Park HS, Severna Park Stories, South River HS, South River Stories, Southern HS, Southern Stories, Specialty Schools, STEM, Teacher Appreciation, Virtual Academy|

    "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself" - John Dewey

      National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Certifies New Schoolyard Habitat at South River High

      June 10th, 2024|Our AACPS Stories, South River HS, South River Stories, STEM, What's New|

      “We wanted to demonstrate our school’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection,” said Green Technologies Pathway lead and STEM teacher Charlotte Flury.  “The garden makes me feel more attached to my community. I love seeing a splash of nature next to my school building.” said Macie Culpepper, Green Tech STEM student.

        AACPS STEM Awards 2024 Celebrates Excellence in Students and Teachers

        April 16th, 2024|Annapolis HS, Annapolis Stories, Arundel High School, Arundel Stories, Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, CAT-North, CAT-South, CAT-South, Celebrating AACPS, Chesapeake Bay MS, Chesapeake HS, Chesapeake Science Point, Chesapeake Stories, Crofton HS, Crofton Stories, Glen Burnie HS, Glen Burnie Stories, Meade HS, Meade Stories, North County HS, North County Stories, Northeast HS, Northeast Stories, Old Mill HS, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Phoenix Academy, Severna Park HS, Severna Park Stories, South River HS, South River Stories, Southern HS, Southern Stories, Specialty Schools, STEM, Teacher Appreciation, Virtual Academy|

        "The best way to predict the future is to invent it" - Alan Kay, Winner of the A.M. Turing Award

          Winton Scholar 2024 – Peter S.

          April 12th, 2024|Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, Business & Community Development, Celebrating AACPS, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, STEM|

          I know, no matter what, I am going to devote my life to aviation.

            Winton Scholar 2023 – Nathan A.

            April 28th, 2023|Business & Community Development, Celebrating AACPS, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, South River HS, South River Stories, STEM|

            I am “forever looking towards the sky.”

              Winton Scholar 2023 – Spencer C.

              April 24th, 2023|Broadneck HS, Broadneck Stories, Business & Community Development, Celebrating AACPS, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, STEM|

              When I looked into Mr. Winton, his story really resonated with me and it felt like we had similar passions.

                How STEM Helped Me Build My Future

                August 6th, 2020|Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, South River HS, STEM, Uncategorized|

                With the guidance of my parents, I was able to realize that this whole time STEM was helping me build a stable future.

                Voya Foundation

                February 15th, 2018|Grant Opportunities, STEM|

                Description: The Voya Foundation supports programs with well-defined metrics and measurable outcomes that all work toward the same goal — to help create financially resilient youths.

                Deadline: Ongoing.

                Funds: Grant requests must be a minimum of $2,500.

                Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations.

                Areas: The foundation seeks to:

                • Provide innovative and experiential K-8 STEM learning opportunities to promote an early interest in STEM career fields and improve teachers’ capabilities in STEM.

                • Provide financial education curriculum to grade 9-12 students focused on navigating major financial milestones, including student debt, credit, home ownership, financial products and financial capability, and family needs.

                Contact: See website for online contact form.

                Web: http://corporate.voya.com/corporate -responsibility/investing-communities/voya -foundation-grants

                Evergreen Packaging, KidsGardening.org

                February 1st, 2018|Environment, Grant Opportunities, STEM|

                Deadline: April 16, 2018.

                Funds: Awards range from $1,000 – $5,000.

                Eligibility: PreK-12 public and private schools.

                Description: Evergreen Packaging and KidsGardening.org seeks entries for the spring 2018 Carton 2 Garden contest.

                The contest asks schools to collect used milk cartons and to design and construct purposeful garden items and structures using them.

                Contact: See website for online contact form.

                Web: https://kidsgardening.org/spring-2018-carton-2-garden-contest


                October 5th, 2017|Grant Opportunities, STEM|

                Deadline: Ongoing.

                Funds: $1,000 grants.

                Eligibility: College students, working engineers, educators, and volunteers.

                Description: DiscoverE solicits applications for the DiscoverE Collaboration Grants Program. The program seeks to facilitate collaboration within the engineering community and to engage youths (particularly underserved K-12 students) with hands-on learning experiences and events that inspire an interest and understanding of engineering.

                Areas:  Funding may be used for programmatic support, such as site rental, food (lunches for students, etc.), bus transportations, photography, educational materials, and essential project supplies.

                Email: info@discovere.org

                Web: www.discovere.org/about-us/outreach-grants/collaboration-grants

                Micro Center

                August 29th, 2017|Classroom Technology, Grant Opportunities, STEM|

                Deadline: September 2, 2017.

                Funds: Winner will receive a Flashforge Finder FDM 3D Printer and a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. In addition, the winning student’s school will receive a Flashforge Finder FDM 3D Printer and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B units for an entire classroom of up to 30 students.

                Eligibility: Students age 13 and older.

                Areas: Entrants must use @ microcenter and #RuleTheSchool as their tags when they post their response to the question.

                Description: Micro Center solicits applications for the 2017 Micro Center Maker Student Contest. The contest invites students to tweet or post a response to the question “What would you make with a 3D printer and Raspberry Pi?

                Contact: See website for online contact orm.

                Web: www.microcenter.com/site/content/MakerStudentContest.aspx?rd=1

                Kinder Morgan Foundation

                July 25th, 2017|Grant Opportunities, Music, STEM|

                Deadline: Rolling

                Funds: $1,000 (Min) / $5,000 (Max)

                Eligibility: 501 (c)(3) non profit organizations, Public and private schools, and libraries

                Description: The purpose of this program is to provide youth with opportunities to learn and grown, thus helping today’s science, math, and music students become the engineers, educators, and musicians who will supports the funding agency’s diverse communities for many years to come. This program funds projects that promote the academic and artistic interests of young people. Projects must benefit only K-12 children.

                The program’s focus areas are academic projects, including tutoring, and arts education projects.

                Funds must be used for project support only; however, libraries may apply for capital projects.

                Eligibility is limited to applicants serving areas where Kinder Morgan operated. Refer to the Eligibility section for additional information.

                Contact: Program Staff

                (303) 914-7655

                Mailing Address: Kinder Morgan Foundation, 370 Van Gordon Street, Lakewood, CO 80228

                Email: km_foundation@kindermorgan.com

                Contact Notes: Questions should be directed to the program staff.

                Applications must be mailed or emailed to the appropriate address provided.

                Information regarding the funding agency’s board of directors can be found online at


                National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

                June 29th, 2017|Grant Opportunities, Professional Development, STEM|

                Deadline: November 3, 2017

                Funds: Grants up to $3,200.

                Eligibility: Teachers of grades 9-12.

                Areas: Primary emphasis is placed on appropriate mathematics content courses. Mathematics education courses may also qualify if a suitable rationale is provided by applicant.

                Description: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics solicits applicants for the Mathematics Graduate Course Work Scholarships for Grades 9-12 Teachers.

                The scholarships provide financial support for improving teachers’ understanding of mathematics by completing graduate course work in mathematics.

                Email: nctm@nctm.org

                Web: http://www.nctm.org/Grants-and-Awards/Grants/Mathematics-Graduate-Course-Work-Scholarships-for-Grades-9%E2%80%9312-Teachers/


                Rockwell Collins

                February 22nd, 2017|Grant Opportunities, STEM, The Arts|

                Deadline: Rolling.

                Funds: Funding is awarded under the following two categories:

                • Grants targeting major projects and programs that total more than $20,000.
                • Grants supporting fundraising, sponsorships, and events or activities that total $20,000 or less.

                Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, public organizations, and governmental agencies, such as schools and parks departments.

                Contact: See website for list of regional contacts.

                Web: www.rockwellcollins.com/-/media/Files/Unsecure/Docs/Community_Overview/Giving_Guidelines.ashx?la=en

                AGL Resources Private Foundation, Inc.

                January 30th, 2017|Grant Opportunities, STEM|

                Deadline:  TBA

                Funds:  Varies. Grants in 2016 ranged from $2,500 – $20,000.

                Eligibility:  Services Territories in Georgia, Florida, Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, Tennessee, and Texas.

                Description:  AGL Resources Private Foundation Inc. provides support in the following areas:

                • Energy Assistance:  programs which primarily help low-income households and low-income senior citizens afford their natural gas energy consumption, including weatherization projects and emergency energy assistance.
                • Education:  K-12 public secondary schools, and public and private colleges and universities with an emphasis in literacy, math, and science.
                • Environmental Stewardship: projects such as clean air, conservation and greenspace.
                • Community Enrichment:  programs specific to minority leadership, women leadership, arts and culture, business leadership, and/or economic development.
                • Relief efforts.

                Email:  AGL Resources Private Foundation Inc., (404) 584-3791

                Web:  www.virginianaturalgas.com/community/charitable-giving