Apex Arts Commercial Band Returns to Rams Head Tavern with a Special Guest Victor Provost
To perform at Ram’s Head again was a rewarding experience that is appreciated every time it happens. Here's to many more performances!
Deadline: Rolling
Funds: $1,000 (Min) / $5,000 (Max)
Eligibility: 501 (c)(3) non profit organizations, Public and private schools, and libraries
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide youth with opportunities to learn and grown, thus helping today’s science, math, and music students become the engineers, educators, and musicians who will supports the funding agency’s diverse communities for many years to come. This program funds projects that promote the academic and artistic interests of young people. Projects must benefit only K-12 children.
The program’s focus areas are academic projects, including tutoring, and arts education projects.
Funds must be used for project support only; however, libraries may apply for capital projects.
Eligibility is limited to applicants serving areas where Kinder Morgan operated. Refer to the Eligibility section for additional information.
Contact: Program Staff
(303) 914-7655
Mailing Address: Kinder Morgan Foundation, 370 Van Gordon Street, Lakewood, CO 80228
Email: km_foundation@kindermorgan.com
Contact Notes: Questions should be directed to the program staff.
Applications must be mailed or emailed to the appropriate address provided.
Information regarding the funding agency’s board of directors can be found online at
Deadline: Rolling
Funds: Unspecified
Eligibility: Non Profits and Schools/School Districts
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide musical instruments and equipment for music instruction programs. Awarded items will be lightly used, blemished, or otherwise imperfect, and will have been collected from manufacturers and retailers. Awarded items may include acoustic guitars, electric guitars, acoustic-electric guitars, bass guitars , and the equipment necessary to play these instruments. In addition, traditional string instruments, woodwind instruments, brass instruments, percussion instruments, keyboards, and voice equipment.
To qualify for the program, participants must be learning how to make music. Participants may be of any age.
Programs needing support must fit into one of the following categories:
Programs must also meet the following requirements:
Contact: The Fender Music Foundation P.O. Box 67 Agoura Hills, CA 91376
(818) 706-8742
Email: fendermusicfoundationgrants@gmail.com
Web: www.fendermusicfoundation.org/who-we-are/board-of-directors
Deadline: Rolling.
Funds: Unspecified.
Eligibility: Academic Institutions, Non-Profits, Schools/School Districts.
Description: The purpose of this program is to fund music programs that foster continual learning and put students on a clear path to college, career, and life success. Through this program, the funding agency seeks to modernize music education initiatives by supporting projects aligned with the following strategic priorities:
In addition to demonstrating a commitment to funding agency strategic priorities, supported projects should build strong connections between in-school and out-of-school learning experiences, which contribute to a child’s overall well-being as well as the development of musical skills.
Contact: SpreadMusicNow, P.O. Box 1330, Redding, CT 06875, (203) 938-9000.
Email: admin@spreadmusicnow.org
Web: www.spreadmusicnow.org/advisory-board.html