One Enthusiastic, Positive and Genuine Teacher
"My grandson had Ms. Brady for Kindergarten last year and my granddaughter has her this year. They both love her as she makes them feel special no matter what they are doing."--Linda Batts, Grandparent
"My grandson had Ms. Brady for Kindergarten last year and my granddaughter has her this year. They both love her as she makes them feel special no matter what they are doing."--Linda Batts, Grandparent
I always love visiting Ryan's class during American Education Week and I always hope to see just a "normal" class (meaning, not anything special because the parents will be there....just a typical lesson.) And I was thrilled I got to see just that today in your classroom. But, let me clarify: What I saw was anything but "normal." It was exceptional.
Mr. Stanzione epitomizes what it means to be a dedicated AACPS employee. He gives so generously of his time.
"On August 7, 2008 I heard the worst words a parent can hear, 'Your son has cancer.' I didn't know which end was up. I reached out to [his teacher] Mrs. Pillow to let her know of Tag's situation. I barely remember our conversation, I cried for most of it, but I do remember her saying, 'Jen, Tag will go to college. I guarantee it.' Those words were so comforting to me."--Jennifer G., Parent
"The one thing that I truly appreciate is that she not only told me when there were problems but let me know if he had had a great day and if he had done something good for another student. In the past I was only contacted if there was a problem. Through Mrs. Nodtvedt's kind and compassionate ways my grandson has come a long way since the beginning of the year."--Beth Lassiter, Grandparent
"I just wanted to thank Ms. Hoffman for helping my son's love reading!"--Nancy Cahlink-Seidler, Parent
I am an AACPS: Parent | Volunteer, Rippling Woods Elementary School Rippling Woods has went through so many changes in the past 7 years. I want to thank all the staff there for the awesome job. But most importantly Ms. Joan Dugard who is retired from Rippling Woods Elementary School, still comes back on Wednesdays to help out. She spreads so much joy and love to all she crosses. But most importantly she has been a big parent of our school family: both of my daughters had her when they went there (they graduated from Old Mill High School in ’05 and ’07) and then my granddaughter had her. We are thankful for her time and effort.
"Music brings out the joy and happiness in the heart. Mrs. Kennelly at Waugh Chapel Elementary teaches music to her students with such dedication and patience."--Deanna Mallon, Parent
Mrs. Tami Beyer is most definitely one of the reasons I am where I am today. Through tough decisions to take advanced classes, to struggling through a rough week, all the way to college decisions, Mrs. Beyer supported me every step of the way.
"It is because of Mr. Glorioso that I was hired for [the cosmetology teacher at the Center of Applied Technology North]. When I expressed my gratitude to him he simply said, 'Now you go and give to someone else.'"--Tammy Diedrich
"Perhaps what has impressed me the most about Ms. Mueller is how well she knows each of her students' unique abilities, family situations, skills, interests, and strengths. It is clear she has taken the time to know every student in front of her as an individual and as a result, each of the students in her class feels valued and important."--Kristen Caminiti
"With unwavering persistence, patience, and love, Mrs. Zak not only pushes her children to levels they never thought they could, but she motivates everyone around her to examine the quality of their own teaching and will work with anyone to help them support their students."--Kathleen Tran
"Joanne Sprague is a great department chair [and] Mandi Quinn is our amazing resource teacher."--Holly McDermott
"Heather Lowe takes time to contact the parents and let them know what their child is doing, be it good or bad."--Laura Blankenship
"Ms. Tanya energizes the students and gets them excited to learn. She gets to know her students and lets them know her not only as a teacher but as a person."--Valerie Frazier, Parent