Building a Community Cafe
Are you new to the Café at Maryland Hall? Learn how this one-of-a-kind student-run business is a win-win-win for AACPS, Maryland Hall, and the community.
Are you new to the Café at Maryland Hall? Learn how this one-of-a-kind student-run business is a win-win-win for AACPS, Maryland Hall, and the community.
"At CAT-South and at the Café, you have students from lots of areas of the county coming together, which gives you a lot of different perspectives and a lot of different backgrounds." Isabella Nguyen, CAT-South Alumn
"We reflect and we reflect and we reflect and then we reflect again. Then we modify, modify, modify."--Pam Klink, CAT-South Culinary Teacher
"In the Café, we can allow students to work through mistakes in a way they wouldn’t get in a regular professional environment. As a result, these students are really taking ownership of the product and of the business." --Jody Elliott, Manager, Cafe @ Maryland Hall