About Louis Nesbitt

Louis is the Business and Development Specialist for the Division of Partnerships, Development, and Marketing.

Bus Drivers & Attendants: First Stop on the Road to Learning

August 14th, 2015|Behind the Scenes@AACPS, What's New|

Every day, nearly 58,000 students ride the bus to school. At the front of each bus, drivers and attendants draw upon their extensive training, professionalism, and love of children to make sure that every student gets to school safely and on time.

Helping Teachers Teach

August 11th, 2015|Classroom Support, Grant Opportunities, School & Classroom Libraries|

Funder: Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce Foundation (NAACCC)
Available Funds: $500
Available Grants: Classroom Support
Deadline: Ongoing
Summary: The NAACCC Foundation, Inc. raises and grants funds to support Grants to teachers for use in their classrooms.  For more information about this opportunity click here.

Awesome Foundation Grants

June 24th, 2015|Classroom Support, Classroom Technology, Grant Opportunities, Other Resources, The Arts|

Funder: The Awesome Foundation
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Monthly
Grant Summary:

The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time. Each fully autonomous chapter supports awesome projects through micro-grants, usually given out monthly. These micro-grants, $1000 or the local equivalent, come out of pockets of the chapter’s “trustees” and are given on a no-strings-attached basis to people and groups working on awesome projects.

Website: www.awesomefoundation.org


June: Food and Nutrition Services

June 4th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The office of Food and Nutrition serves over 8 Million meals annually across all of our schools. Children who are healthy and well-nourished perform better in school, and the Office of Food & Nutrition Services is an important part of this educational process. Did you know that AACPS receives no county funds to operate our lunch and breakfast programs?  Their source of revenue is 39% from sales, 57% from Federal reimbursements, and 4% from the State of Maryland. If you see this group in the lobby, stop by to say hello, learn something, and potentially win a prize!

Finish Line Youth Foundation Athletic Program Grants

May 21st, 2015|Athletic Programs, Grant Opportunities|

Funder: Finish Line Youth Foundation
Available funds: $1,000-$5,000
Deadline: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
The Finish Line Youth Foundation supports organizations that provide opportunities for youth participation in youth athletic programs and camps that encourage youth activities and healthy, active lifestyles.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations.
Click here for more information.

Toshiba Innovative Secondary Classroom Grants

May 21st, 2015|Classroom Support, Grant Opportunities, STEM|

Funder: Toshiba American Foundation
Available funds: $5,000
Deadline: June 1 & November 1
Toshiba American Foundation solicits applications for grant programs to support middle and high school school teachers who wish to make math and science more engaging through innovative, hands on projects in their grade 6-12 classrooms.

Eligibility: Grade 6-12 Classroom teachers
Click here for more information.

May: Transportation

May 14th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Every Day, over 50,000 students step onto the bus to be taken to and from school. Our bus drivers work tirelessly, running multiple routes per day, to ensure our students arrive safely, on time, and ready to learn. Our Transportation Department works behind the scenes to promote a professional and safe bus environment and to ensure our county’s complex bus plan is as efficient as possible.

Bilingual Facilitators: The Lighthouse in the Middle of the Sea

April 24th, 2015|Behind the Scenes@AACPS|

Beyond a traditional interpreter or translator, Bilingual Facilitators are responsible for helping language-minority/international families become involved in their children’s education. Anne Arundel Count Public School's 17 Bilingual Facilitators stretch their time across 125 schools and special centers to serve over 6,000 families.

Facilitadores bilingües: el faro en medio de la mar

April 24th, 2015|Behind the Scenes@AACPS|

(To read this story in English, click here).

Es martes por la mañana y Sandra Acevedo-Harper camina por los pasillos de la escuela Annapolis High. Al igual que el resto de personal, saluda a los estudiantes que corren a abrazarla, ayuda a una estudiante de noveno grado a encontrar su aula y para a un estudiante de último año cuando ya ha sonado el último timbre para darle un pase por llegar tarde. Lo que hace que las interacciones de Sandra sean diferentes de las de los demás a su alrededor es que casi todas las conversaciones son en español. Sandra es una de las Facilitadoras Bilingües de Familias y Relaciones Comunitarias (facilitadora bilingüe) en la escuela Annapolis High, enlace entre la escuela y las familias internacionales.

 Superar la creciente brecha idiomática en el condado de Anne Arundel

Más allá del papel de intérprete o de traductor, la responsabilidad de los facilitadores bilingües es ayudar a que las familias que hablan lenguas minoritarias/internacionales se involucren en la educación de sus niños/as. Además de simultáneamente servir a estudiantes, familias y escuelas, los facilitadores bilingües se encuentran disponibles en cada escuela del condado de Anne Arundel para comunicar información entre maestros y estudiantes, compartir con los padres los recursos tanto de la escuela como de la comunidad y ofrecerse a las familia como aliados dentro de la escuela.

Sandra regresa a su oficina justo para contestar una llamada telefónica: “Buenos días, le habla la señora Acevedo-Harper ¿en qué le puedo ayudar?. Ella mueve la cabeza asintiendo mientras la persona que llama le cuenta que su hija, una estudiante con la que Sandra ya ha trabajado antes, está lista para regresar a la escuela después de estar en el hospital. Sandra […]

April: Professional Growth and Development

April 6th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Professional Growth & Development provides learning opportunities to ensure employees are gaining relevant, diverse and current expertise. Of particular highlight is our Right Start Program, which supports new teachers by providing robust training, orientation, seminars, symposiums, and mentoring opportunities. Through ongoing and ever-growing professional development opportunities, the Office of Professional Growth & Development works to ensure access, equity, and excellence for our students.

School Psychologists: Breaking Barriers & Building Bridges

March 20th, 2015|Behind the Scenes@AACPS|

School Psychologists are specially trained mediators and problem solvers who help assess and address students’ emotional and learning needs. Across the county, 64 School Psychologists serve as consultants, crisis interventionists, and direct service providers for students, families, and staff to help all students achieve greatness.

Go Behind the Scenes @ AACPS!

March 20th, 2015|What's New|

Every day, we see the role our teachers play in impacting our student’s lives. But what we may not see as clearly is the dedication, passion, and commitment from those outside the classroom to give our students programs of access, equity, and excellence. The new Behind the Scenes Story Series features the unsung heroes that work hard every day to make our system goals a reality. Join us each month as we go behind the scenes!

March: Office of Facilities

March 3rd, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Facilities is responsible for managing construction, operations, and maintenance for the county. From planning the construction of new schools and overseeing the custodial staff who keeps each school clean, to developing energy conservation strategies and operating the AACPS mail room, Facilities works hard every day to make sure our schools and offices are safe, clean, and well cared for.

February: Office of Student Services

February 2nd, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Department of Student Services supports the AACPS goals of academic achievement, safe and orderly environment and community partnerships through the development, implementation and monitoring of programs and services that enhance educational opportunities for students. Click here to learn more.

January: Office of Curriculum & Instruction

January 20th, 2015|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Curriculum & Instruction designs high-quality and developmentally appropriate curriculum and instruction, provides a wide range of professional development, and collaborates with schools, staff, parents, and state/local agencies to promote school readiness and build a solid foundation for leaning. Click here to learn more.