Check out what’s going on in the four areas AACPS Division of Academics & Strategic Initiatives (ASI): Curriculum & Instruction (C&I); Advanced Studies & Programs (ASP); Partnerships, Development& Marketing (PDM); and Professional Growth & Development (PGD). Throughout the year, this page will feature highlights on professional development opportunities, curricular support, grant and engagement opportunities, Triple E updates, instructional strategies, awards & recognitions, Programs of Choice offerings, and family outreach events.

November 2014

November: Office of Advanced Studies and Programs

November 4th, 2014|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Advanced Studies and Programs Office is dedicated to providing students with challenging courses, programs, and opportunities to help elevate success and eliminate the achievement gap for all students. Click here to learn more.

October 2014

October: Office of Equity and Accelerated Student Achievement

October 1st, 2014|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

The Office of Equity and Accelerated Student Achievement empowers schools, families, and the greater community to achieve a collective goal: Elevate All Students, Eliminate All Gaps. Click here to learn more.