Check out what’s going on in the four areas AACPS Division of Academics & Strategic Initiatives (ASI): Curriculum & Instruction (C&I); Advanced Studies & Programs (ASP); Partnerships, Development& Marketing (PDM); and Professional Growth & Development (PGD). Throughout the year, this page will feature highlights on professional development opportunities, curricular support, grant and engagement opportunities, Triple E updates, instructional strategies, awards & recognitions, Programs of Choice offerings, and family outreach events.

April 2016

April-Department of Special Education

April 7th, 2016|AACPS Monthly Showcases|

Recognizing special education is a journey with no true finish lines, just continuous opportunities to grow in a limitless future, the Anne Arundel County Public School System and Department of Special Education has embraced the concept of responsibility, independence and contribution in its delivery of specialized instruction for students with [...]

Assistive Technology

April 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Mo, Grade 4 Student with a Visual Impairment attending George Cromwell Elementary Mo is using a Perkins Braille Writer and BrailleNote Apex to complete a quarterly math assessment. Mo uses an assistive technology device to access the curriculum. Some of his devices are designed specifically to help people [...]

Media Specialists: The Hub at the Center of the School

April 1st, 2016|Behind the Scenes@AACPS, What's New|

The Office of Digital Media’s vision statement explains that school libraries should be “the hub of the school and [should be] innovative, vibrant, and flexible spaces, staffed with school librarians who inspire students to become tech savvy and independent life-long readers and learners.” To turn this vision into a reality, Anne Arundel County Public Schools and the Office of Digital Media Services depend on their vibrant team of 126 creative, dedicated, and passionate Media Specialists.

A Child’s Education is a Contact Team Sport and Needs the Support of Parent Volunteers

April 1st, 2016|Old Mill HS, Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"My story is simple. It is one of love and commitment. I am committed to making a difference in the lives of my children, their friends, their teachers, and our environment through volunteering. Even if all I have to give my student’s school is a little love and two hours of commitment per month, I know that I am doing something." --LaToya Staten

“You are an artist and you will never be happy until you pursue life as an artist.”

April 1st, 2016|Brooklyn Park MS, North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees|

"In my first year as a student at Brooklyn Park Jr. Sr. High School I met Hal Gomer, a visual art teacher and the after school theatre director... Because of his influence, I began to recognize that I related to the world in ways that were different from other people and that, for the first time, my way of relating felt accepted." --Ken Skrzesz

Amazing Teacher Turned Techie!

April 1st, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

"The Office of Student Data's very own SIS Support Specialist, Gary Mills, has earned Expert status in SQL Server Development…Teachers like Mr. Mills make a difference all over our county in all areas of expertise." --Jessica Tickle on Gary Mills

March 2016

Partnering with the Schools is a Home Run

March 21st, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

"After working in my past position with the Frederick Keys and having a relationship with Frederick County Public Schools, it has been a pleasure working with those involved in business partnership within Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) upon my start with the Bowie Baysox in 2014." --Adam Pohl

Inspiring Students through the Media Center

March 16th, 2016|Deale ES, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Southern Stories, Teacher Appreciation|

"Our current media specialist, Cynthia Bischoff, joined our school only a year ago, but she has made a great impact on our students." --Cindy Holsworth on Cynthia Bischoff

A Year in AACPS Through the Lens of a Camera

March 16th, 2016|Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees|

"As a staff photographer, I get to view the big picture through my camera lens, the incredible dynamic that makes up our school system. I wish that every stakeholder in our county could see our school system from my viewpoint, which is a constant reminder that we produce an incredible product within our industry, the education and growth of a toddler to a young adult." --Mike Edgar

“I believe [the STEM Program] has opened doors and granted me so much preparation for the years to come.”

March 16th, 2016|North County HS, North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students|

"Looking into the next couple years, I hope to be studying nursing at a university. STEM has prepared me to do so, giving me connections and opportunities that I won’t ever forget." --Amanda