Check out what’s going on in the four areas AACPS Division of Academics & Strategic Initiatives (ASI): Curriculum & Instruction (C&I); Advanced Studies & Programs (ASP); Partnerships, Development& Marketing (PDM); and Professional Growth & Development (PGD). Throughout the year, this page will feature highlights on professional development opportunities, curricular support, grant and engagement opportunities, Triple E updates, instructional strategies, awards & recognitions, Programs of Choice offerings, and family outreach events.

March 2019

Learning New Skills at Park

March 7th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Park ES|

"I wish the whole world knew that Park is a friendly school where teachers teach you about strategies and skills."

We Are a Family at Park Elementary School

March 8th, 2019|Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community, Our Employees, Park ES|

As educators, "We wouldn’t bring our own children here if we didn’t think they’d get the best education possible."

At Home At Park

March 7th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Employees, Park ES|

"This is where I feel I do my best work and I never want to be anywhere else—I never need to be anywhere else."

Park is a Special School

March 7th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students, Park ES|

"I don’t know what makes this school special, but it’s just special to me."

I’ve Never Found a Better School

March 11th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Our Students, Park ES|

"If I had my way, this school would go from PreK-12th grade so my son would never have to leave."

Educating Students & Families

March 7th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Park ES|

"Ms. Blondell believes, like I do, that you not only need to educate the child, you need to educate the parents."

Making a Difference with My Park Family

March 7th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Park ES|

"This school is like a family--the students, the employees, and the community—it’s what keeps me here and it’s the reason that I want this to be the school I retire from."

Meeting Students’ Needs Outside of School

March 12th, 2019|North County Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Park ES|

“So many of these families don’t have family support, which makes what HOPE [For All] does so important. ...The impact is just incredible.”

February 2019

Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce

February 27th, 2019|CAT-North, CAT-South, Community Partnerships, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Our Community|

"We are strengthening the push with the CAT schools to help raise awareness of the great opportunities that are still offered in trades."

A Partnership Impossible to Quantify

February 28th, 2019|Community Partnerships, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community|

“Assistance League is one of the lifelines of [our school system]. They are equivalent to our school being on a game show and having to phone a very consistent, caring, giving and loving friend.”