On May 13, the Office of Professional Growth and Development hosted its annual College and University Partnership Fair, specifically designed for all employees of AACPS. This event provided an excellent opportunity for AACPS staff to engage with representatives from numerous partner institutions of higher education. Attendees learned about various academic programs, asked questions, and explored opportunities for furthering their education.

Before and during the event we had a chance to speak with one of the event’s organizers, Michelle Cannon, from AACPS Department of Professional Development & IHE Partnerships. She shared valuable insights about the event and its significance.

“Planning for the fair began in January, but the partnerships with higher education institutions were maintained year-round. This ongoing collaboration is in place to support the Maryland Blueprint for Education, specifically aiming to nurture and develop the AACPS workforce.”

Cannon emphasized the initiative’s primary goal of “growing our own” by cultivating talent within AACPS and helping current employees advance their careers. By providing accessible avenues for professional development, AACPS remains committed to supporting our educators and staff reaching new heights in their careers.

While enjoying all aspects of planning and executing the event, Ms. Cannon shared that one of the challenges they faced and are working to improve was spreading the word to teachers. “Finding the right communication channels is crucial to increasing interest and engagement among staff. Despite this, we are truly excited to witness teachers and staff embark on new educational journeys to enhance their careers.”

The fair featured partnerships with 17 colleges and universities, offering benefits such as discounts, direct billing, and more. These partnerships were mutually beneficial, allowing institutions to connect with dedicated educators eager to further their knowledge and skills. Universities were equally excited about the opportunity to engage with AACPS staff and discuss the diverse programs they offered.

Held annually in the spring, this event was strategically timed before application deadlines for summer and fall semesters. This scheduling allowed employees to plan and apply for programs seamlessly.

The event encouraged all AACPS employees to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to explore educational advancements. Whether looking to continue their studies or begin a new academic journey, the College and University Partnership Fair provided the perfect starting point!

For questions regarding the event contact pgd@aacps.org.

Louis Nesbitt

Office of Business & Community Development