Brandon Woodroffe
I am an AACPS: Fifth Grade Teacher, Edgewater Elementary | 22-23 Rising Star
We are excited to spotlight Brandon Woodroffe. Brandon Woodroffe is a 22-23 Rising Star Teacher.
Mr. Woodroffe was nominated by the school’s principal, Kimberly VerMerris. The Edgewater Elementary School Fifth Grade teacher is a Salisbury University alum.
We had an opportunity to talk with Brandon about being recognized as a Rising Star Teacher.
Here are a few highlights of the conversation:
Describe who you are in 5 words or less.
I’m someone that’s patient, very easy going, adaptable, optimistic, and appropriately sarcastic.
What was your motivation to go into education?
I did not plan on being a teacher at all. I went to college to be a sports journalist. I was helping out with an after school program with one of my friends and I got to work one-on-one with a student. Getting to know them and helping them with schoolwork and homework really got me interested. When I saw him have his “ah ha” moment from learning something with my help was the moment I decided I wanted to be a teacher and I changed my major.
What would you tell yourself about your potential as an educator?
I definitely feel the sky is the limit. I’m really willing to grow.
What one thing do you love about working in your school?
I love the different opportunities our school offers for students. They have a variety of learning experiences outside of the classroom, especially with after school opportunities.
What is your favorite memory of your family and friends supporting you on your journey as an educator?
I think it was definitely when I told them I was changing my major. They were very thrilled to hear that I was doing something that I was really passionate about. It was great to see that.
Thinking about the future of education, what are you most excited about for schools?
I feel like we definitely have good leadership. The leaders definitely have ideas about meeting our need for more resources and more teachers.
What is one hidden talent you have that no one, or few people, knows about and would surprise them?
I do like to sing and try to play my guitar, but I’m not going to go around the hallway singing.
If you had to make a time capsule about this year as rising star teacher and you had to include an item, an image, a quote and a song/melody, what would you include?
I would definitely include a picture of the students that I currently teach because I truly love them and they have been great. They’ve taught me so much and they’re super intelligent. Sports equipment would be the items because I’ve had the opportunity of growing in my relationships with a lot of students through sports and similar activities. My kids love the “Dancing in the Moonlight” song by King Harvest as that gets them up and going in the morning. I’ll use a quote from The Lorax “unless people like you care and awful lot of things won’t change.”
What is one reason why someone should choose to become a teacher?
There are a lot of reasons. We need them (teachers) and because the children are our future. The children need people who are willing to take the time to pour into them, not just from the standpoint of just giving them the knowledge that they need for that particular year and moving forward, but because you play so many different roles as a teacher.
Louis Nesbitt, PDM Department
The journey of an educator is a lifetime. We are thankful to those who have chosen to embark on this path. As a community, one of our greatest capacities is availability, so when the opportunities arise, find your own way to support education.