A Message of Appreciation for: Ms. Jeanne Radisi, Media Specialist, Crofton Meadows Elementary
From: Rylee, Student, Crofton Meadows
Dear Mrs. Radisi, Thank you so much for teaching me this year. You’ve opened up a whole new world of books for me and you’re so fun and creative with your lessons. I loved having you as a media teacher and I’m really sad that I can’t do your lessons in person with you. And I’m really sad that the year got cut short but I’m really looking forward to coming back and seeing you next year! Love, Rylee
From: Katrina, Parent, Crofton Meadows
I just want to add one shout-out of appreciation: I am extremely grateful for Mrs. Radisi and all the teachers at Crofton Meadows for encouraging Rylee in her love of learning.