Aaron, Grade 12
I am an AACPS: Student, Glen Burnie High School
My sophomore year of High School Ms. Jessica Burdette was my Honors U.S Government teacher. When I walked into her class after a schedule mixup placed me in her class, she handed me a bunch of work from what I had missed. That night when I went home I did my homework for her class and I thought she was the meanest teacher I have ever had for giving me this make up work. Later on in the semester I was struggling in my Government class and I went up to Ms. Burdette after school and said “Look, I know I’m struggling in this class and I want to do better and I want to succeed in this class what can I do?” She helped me and gave me advice for my notes, how to study for my test and get up my grade. I took her advice and I started succeeding in class. Ms. Burdette gives us progress reports on Friday’s and I remember I had worked so hard in her class that I worked my way to an A. Ms. Burdette wrote on my sheet “Aaron, you have worked so hard and have improved so much. Keep working hard and you will succeed. Very proud of you!” Then I grew and Ms. Burdette became my favorite teacher.
The next school year (my junior year) I took Ms. Burdette’s AP Human Geography class. And boy was that class hard. I was struggling so badly, my grade was absolutely not acceptable. One day after school I stayed to work on classwork, and she looks at me and goes “Aaron what are you doing?” I looked at her like what is she talking about. She goes “your grade in my class is not acceptable. What are you doing? Why are you not turning these papers in and doing bad on my quizzes” and I kinda just looked at her like oh shoot, I’m screwing this class up. She says “What can you do to succeed in this class and pass this class” and she helped me and worked with me.
Ms. Burdette is a hard teacher and it’s because she wants her students to be successful. She wants her students to succeed and wants them to do good in the future. I have had the chance to accept a Student of the Month reward from Ms. Burdette. I can say Ms. Burdette is a great teacher role model in my life and I look up to her and all the hard work she puts into her job and how much work she puts into her students. She takes the time to care about her students but she also knows how to be serious and take no nonsense and prepare us for our future. She’s a great outstanding teacher. I look up to Ms. Burdette and all the hard work she does, and I hope to someday be a killer teacher like she is! Ms. Burdette thank you for being the best teacher!