Cameron Kenny
I am an AACPS: Teacher, Old Mill High School | Alum, Severna Park High School, Class of 1997
I LITERALLY grew up in Anne Arundel County schools. My mom taught in the county for about 40 years. When I was born, I went to school with her. When she set up her classroom, I was there. As I grew older I attended kindergarten at the school she taught at back then, Freetown Elementary. From there I began to attend many different schools in the county due to moving or redistricting. From 1st – 4th grade I attended Belvedere Elementary. Then we moved, so I was the first 5th grade class of Windsor Farm. I attended Magothy River Middle school for 6th-7th, but we moved again so I was at Crofton Middle for 8th grade. I started high school at Arundel High for 9-10, but once again we moved and I finished my high school years at Severna Park, graduating in 1997. Moving around and being the new kid was hard, but the teachers and staff at all of my schools ALWAYS helped to make me feel welcome and at home. Moving also allowed me the opportunity to make friends all over the county- some of which I’m still close to today.
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher–just like my mom, but also like my favorite teacher ever! My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Shaw, made learning fun. To this day she says I’m the only kid ever to ASK for homework. She made learning fun and she was so loving and caring.
As an adult, I strive to be like all those amazing people that helped me throughout my journey. I’ve taught elementary, middle, and now high school and I attend the graduation of ALL my students. I want them to know that I still believe in them now, just as I did when they were in my classroom.
Because the schools in this county are filled with such amazing teachers I chose to buy a house in the county so that my son could have the same experiences that I did. I wanted him to experience the love and caring from teachers and staff like I did so many years ago. He will be graduating high school from Broadneck just as I start my first year teaching high school, 15th year overall. There was never anywhere else I wanted to teach! Anne Arundel County Public Schools were my home when I was younger and are still my home away from home as a teacher!