Angel Hood
I am an AACPS: Teacher, Park Elementary School | Parent |Alum

Ms. Hood sits with her daughter, a current Park Elementary School student.
I’ve been teaching at Park for 25 years and it feels like home. I started here when I was 22. It was a really special thing to come back to Park because I went here as a student. Now, I bring my daughter here and my older daughters also both went through this school. I think that says a lot about how much we believe in this school. We wouldn’t bring our own children here if we didn’t think they’d get the best education possible.
Park Elementary is special because you feel supported and cared for–not just professionally, but also personally, which I think goes back to the welcoming atmosphere. The school is bright and clean and when you walk through the door you see murals created by Artists and Residence with help from students. Everyone is a piece of this school and you see that everywhere you look. No matter what your role is here, whether you are a teacher, or secretary, or T. A., you feel a part of this family.