Middle schools across the county will move to a new rotational schedule for encore classes next year, allowing students to focus more on elective courses that are of interest to them and allowing for increased instructional time for year-long performing arts courses.

The schedule, presented to the Board of Education at its November 14, 2018, meeting, will also provide daily reading interventions to sixth- and seventh-grade students who are reading at or below grade level. It retains the current six-period day but eliminates A/B/C rotations of encure periods and replaces them with A/B rotations identical to high school schedules.

Staff at county middle schools have been provided with information on the new schedule model, and counselors will be able to assist students and parents in developing appropriate schedules for the coming school year.

Key components of the new model are:

  • Each day will continue to consist of four core periods and two encore periods for students.
  • Core classes will be held daily, and encore classes will rotate on an A/B schedule (identical to high schools).
  • Reading interventions for students reading below grade level will be held daily in grades 6 and 7, and every other day in Grade 8. It is our hope that this model helps more students read at or above grade level earlier in their middle school careers.
  • Single-semester and full year encore classes will be available for students.
  • The nine-week “wheel” will be eliminated.
  • Students will have the option to enroll in World Language courses in grades 6, 7, or 8.

More information on the schedule, a video of the presentation to the Board can be found at www.aacps.org/middleschoolschedule.