This story is from:

Rachel McDonald

I am an AACPS: Parent, Waugh Chapel Elementary School

Mrs. Shorter is my son’s teacher for Kindergarten, and she has been a blessing to us. I just wanted to share that Mrs. Shorter has been such a great communicator with the parents. I am a full time working mom and don’t always feel as included in my son’s school as I would like. Mrs. Shorter shares stories, pictures, and even my son’s accomplishments all the time. I really appreciate her communication skills with the parents. When my son got in trouble and received a stop light card home one day, she kept us in the loop on what was going on. The next day he had a much better day, and she even sent a note home, just letting us know that he had a much better day. As parents, I can say my husband and I really appreciate that. We really like to know what is going on at school, and I feel a lot more included having Mrs. Shorter as a teacher for my son.