Susan Coakley

I am an AACPS: Alum, Northeast High School ’91 | Parent

At George Fox Middle School I had the privilege of having a wonderful chorus teacher, Karen Simmons. She was a talented individual who cared about her students. She was always willing to listen and help her students, even after school. Ms. Simmons was also one of the after-school dance teachers. The song I remember most is Greatest Love of All. Ms. Simmons combined sign language with dance and we performed while the choir sang. To this day I cannot listen to that song without remembering Ms. Simmons and that dance.

Both of my daughters attend Northeast High School now. For the past few years Ms. Simmons has been involved in the music and theater programs at Northeast as an accompanist and mentor. I was beyond excited that both of my daughters would also have the privilege of knowing my favorite teacher, working with her and learning from her.