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[title size=”3″]What We Do[/title][separator top=”-20″]

School and Family Partnerships supports Anne Arundel County Public Schools goals by fostering and creating programs that encourage collaborative relationships among families, community members and schools. The office is part of the Partnerships, Development & Marketing Department.

sfThrough our many interactive programs and efforts, we:
•Facilitate meaningful, two-way communication among families, community members and schools
•Develop, implement and monitor training for families to support student success
•Provide training and assistance to schools family and community outreach efforts
•Support and encourage community partnerships


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[title size=”3″]What’s New[/title][separator top=”-35″]
[recent_posts columns=”1″ number_posts=”2″ cat_slug=”new” thumbnail=”yes” title=”yes” meta=”no” read_more=”yes” excerpt=”yes” excerpt_words=”25″ strip_html=”no”][/recent_posts][separator top=”-50″][title size=”3″]AACPS-TV Shows[/title][separator top=”-25″]School and Family Partnerships produces five shows on AACPS-TV. View current shows.

[separator top=”40″][title size=”3″]Parent Newsletter[/title][separator top=”-20″]Parent Link is a monthly newsletter provides schools with tips on parent outreach, family involvement, and best practices for effective volunteer programs. Click here for the current newsletter!fam — espanol