Where and when does the Brooklyn Park Farmers Market take Place?
Brooklyn Park Middle School located at 200 Hammonds Lane, Baltimore, MD 21225. Market is open every Monday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during the summer months when school is out.
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What is offered at the Market?
Fresh local produce from Shlagel Farms. Health and safety resources provided by the following Anne Arundel County agencies:
- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Department of Aging and Disabilities
- Department of Health
- Fire Department
- Musical Autist
- Police Department
- Public Library
- Recreation and Parks
Does the Market accept Federal Nutrition Benefits?
Yes. The Brooklyn Park Farmers Market accepts Farmers Market Nutrition Program FMNP WIC and Senior Checks in addition to SNAP Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. The Market also provides matching dollars to all customers using their federal nutrition benefits.
How can I learn more about the Market?