What Does Our Edcamp AACPS Logo Mean?

The original Flaming Apple of EdCamp was designed by former student, Lorenzo Ibarra while attending Camden County Technical Schools. The logo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Non-Commercial License which allowed EdCamp AACPS to use and edit the logo.
Like Ibarra’s original design, the EdCamp AACPS logo incorporates a flame to symbolize edcampers’ burning desire to learn and collaborate. Also visible in the logo are two students – one on each side with hands raised as a reminder that learning for educators is always all about our students. In collaboration with EdCamp planners, Design Specialist, Jennifer Houck incorporated color and design elements from the AACPS system logo – the Apple rising out of the blue box which for many signifies the passion for learning and “out of the box” thinking by AACPS educators. Red was used to outline the heads of the two students to make them visually stand out as a reminder that we are focused on the achievement of all students.