About Intern

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So far Intern has created 427 blog entries.

Helping Every Child Get a Healthy Meal

December 5th, 2017|Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees|

"Southgate's Cafeteria Manager Hannah Newman is one incredible lady and her staff is too. All the kids know Mrs. Hannah, she's more than just a "food service worker," she provides the only meal some of the students get."--Tasha Patterson, Parent

Retired Educator Continues to Spread Joy

December 5th, 2017|Old Mill Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation|

Laura Blankenship

I am an AACPS: Parent | Volunteer, Rippling Woods Elementary School Rippling Woods has went through so many changes in the past 7 years. I want to thank all the staff there for the awesome job. But most importantly Ms. Joan Dugard who is retired from Rippling Woods Elementary School, still comes back on Wednesdays to help out. She spreads so much joy and love to all she crosses. But most importantly she has been a big parent of our school family: both of my daughters had her when they went there (they graduated from Old Mill High School in ’05 and ’07) and then my granddaughter had her. We are thankful for her time and effort.

Bringing Joy and Happiness Through Music

December 5th, 2017|Arundel Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Community, Our Employees, Teacher Appreciation, What's New|

"Music brings out the joy and happiness in the heart. Mrs. Kennelly at Waugh Chapel Elementary teaches music to her students with such dedication and patience."--Deanna Mallon, Parent


October 5th, 2017|Grant Opportunities, STEM|

Deadline: Ongoing.

Funds: $1,000 grants.

Eligibility: College students, working engineers, educators, and volunteers.

Description: DiscoverE solicits applications for the DiscoverE Collaboration Grants Program. The program seeks to facilitate collaboration within the engineering community and to engage youths (particularly underserved K-12 students) with hands-on learning experiences and events that inspire an interest and understanding of engineering.

Areas:  Funding may be used for programmatic support, such as site rental, food (lunches for students, etc.), bus transportations, photography, educational materials, and essential project supplies.

Email: info@discovere.org

Web: www.discovere.org/about-us/outreach-grants/collaboration-grants

My Journey from Culinary Student to Culinary Teacher

September 20th, 2017|CAT-South, Chesapeake Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Employees, Teacher of the Year, What's New|

"Of course, I want my students to learn the culinary knowledge and skills...Most importantly though...I want them to value the importance of professional growth, collaboration, and teamwork in all industries."--Pam Klink, CAT-North Teacher

First Day of School Moves

September 20th, 2017|Meade Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Students|

First day of 5th grade!

A Teacher that Made a Huge Impact on my Life

September 20th, 2017|Chesapeake Stories, Our AACPS Stories, Our Alumni, Teacher Appreciation, What's New|

Mrs. Tami Beyer is most definitely one of the reasons I am where I am today. Through tough decisions to take advanced classes, to struggling through a rough week, all the way to college decisions, Mrs. Beyer supported me every step of the way.