Miss Bernstein, You do nothing but amaze me. It’s wonderful how both my kids have had you for Kindergarten. When you had Ariana she was a social butterfly but Madison you got to come out of her shell. She has made so many friends this year and has really started to shine. She tells me all the time how much she loves Miss Bernstein. I was nervous because she was one of the younger ones going to school but that fear went away when we knew we had you as a teacher. She is going to miss you and already starts talking about visiting you next year like Ariana does still. Thanks for being a great teacher and everything you have done for my kids but I can truly see a difference with Madison. Thanks again for everything and really teaching them a lot! Madison has really impressed us this year and I am glad she could be in a classroom setting. When you had Ariana we were still in the virtual environment but you had your ways to keep the kids focused!

Shannon Grimard “Madison”







Oliver S, Student Intern