Lindsay Breech
I am an AACPS: Teacher, Glendale Elementary School | 2020 Teacher of the Year Finalist
I believe that every child has a story and it is my commitment to know and value every story. Every student matters in OUR classroom, regardless of the circumstance or obstacle they may be facing at that moment. I take time to listen to my students by greeting them at the door, sparking conversations about their lives outside of school, and digging into what is on their mind. Their troubles are my motivation to be the best teacher I can for them. Because they know that I genuinely care, my students believe there is nothing they CAN’T do!
In my classroom, I have high expectations for all students, whether they go on to college or enroll in a trade school. Throughout the school day, I weave real life examples into lessons, so students see the connections between real life and grade level standards. I embed learning tasks that require students to think about the skill in the real world and build their interpersonal skills with their peers. I allow students to work in cooperative groups, solve open-ended problems, and encourage perseverance with any task.
My job as a teacher doesn’t end when the dismissal bell rings at the end of the school day. I spend countless hours staying well into the evening analyzing multiple sources of data to determine the next day’s lesson to ensure that I am closing the achievement gap. I take the time to connect with families, to share individual successes as well as areas of growth. I give my time to coach, mentor, and support my students. I am the face they see at the finish line and sports games. I want the students to see the impact they have on my life.
My students are the WHY in my life. Our classroom is the safety net- they push me to be the best as I push them to be their best.