Artsy Partsy

We are an AACPS: Business/Community Partnership | 2020 Business Partner of the Year Nominee

Recognized for their support of AACPS by Annapolis High School

Artsy Partsy, led by Jeannette Nunez, began working closely with our Change Engineering Signature Program and our Signature Program Facilitator, Mrs. Becky Hogan, during the 2019-2020 school year. Through their partnership with our Signature Program, Artsy Partsy has become an integral part of our Child Development program, working with both our high school students and the preschool classes that they teach. 

Artsy Partsy is an important partner in the success of many students at Annapolis High School, helping to prepare them for their future as educators and showing them how to incorporate art and literature into motivating lessons for young learners. Jeannette values education and college and career readiness, providing opportunities for our Annapolis High students that they wouldn’t have had without her support. 

Jeannette began by teaching a model lesson to our Child Development students as if they were preschool students. Then she moved on to teaching lessons with our preschool students as our Child Development students assisted her. She then moved to working with just the Child Development students, guiding them as they planned interactive lessons to teach to the preschool students that incorporated literature, art, and specific outcomes from their curriculum. 

She generously volunteers her time, talents, and money, coming to Annapolis High monthly at no charge to our school or students. Artsy Partsy also provides all the materials that the students need for all of the projects, from art supplies to literature. Jeannette spends countless hours preparing lessons and materials and serving as a resource and positive role model to our students. Artsy Partsy is also providing internship and summer employment opportunities for some of the Annapolis High School students that she works with. Her passion for art and education come through in every interaction and her positivity is contagious. 

Artsy Partsy is, simply put, a dedicated, supportive and driven partner for success for the students at Annapolis High School.