Michelle Soumah

I am an AACPS: Teacher, Arundel Middle School | 2019 Teacher of the Year Honoree

Every student that enters my classroom has a story that is unique to them. Experiences that define who they are at the moment they come to me. I learn their stories, show them that they matter, and that I care. Building relationships allows the teaching and the learning process to begin. As an educator in middle school, I see students every day that are trying to figure out who they are in the world. Along with all the self-doubts and emotions that most middle schoolers are prone to, some students have the added struggle of academic deficits to overcome; and yet, despite their daily challenges, they come back to school every day to learn. Their grit and self-determination inspire me to be the best teacher and advocate for them that I can be. Being a teacher is more than just delivering instruction – sometimes being a teacher means being a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and even a provider of food for hungry students. As a special educator, my job is to identify students weaknesses and deficits. I believe in turning this around to find and capitalize on their strengths and to provide instruction that allows them to be successful in an area that may have been difficult for them. I believe that ALL students will be successful in my classroom. I want my students to know that my classroom is their community – a place where students feel safe to take academic risks, to accept that mistakes are an important part of learning and life, and to realize that they are capable of great successes. The learning that takes place when a student is in middle school is so much more than just content. I believe that my job as a teacher extends beyond the four walls of the classroom, and I do my best to help each of my students become socially, emotionally, and academically stronger.