Jocelyn, Grade 12
I am an AACPS: Student | South River High School
In the summer of 2018, as a rising junior, I had heard daunting statements from upperclassmen about my upcoming future in the “Environment and Society” classroom. They warned me about how precise and on point you needed to be at all times because of the intimidating lab project that was a large part of our grade. This class is exclusive to the GreenTech Pathway for STEM students, like myself. After being in the STEM Magnet program at South River High School for the last two years, I was prepared to face this challenge head on and not let it stand in my way of academic success.
I walked into the class on that first day and heard the introduction to the lab project that we would be working on for the entirety of the first semester: perform DNA analysis to further study sources for biofuel via cloning. Yes, the project was as intimidating as it sounds. But I had no choice but to move forward.
Each day we covered topics that helped piece together the puzzle that was our first semester lab project, building our understanding of each component so we knew why every step was important. Slowly, I started gaining interest and was excited to come to class everyday because of how much I enjoyed the material leading up to this lab.
Finally the day had come to start performing the labs, to be able to apply the knowledge I had been collecting over the past few weeks. I was able to do so with ease and it gave me a sense of validation and assurance that this was something I could do well in the future and enjoy.

Jocelyn’s 2019 Poster Presentation
But the project was not complete just yet. We were tasked with making giant poster and powerpoint presentation to present the knowledge we have learned over the last few months and discuss what we created. This was for a large portion of our grade might I add. Thankfully, I had enjoyed doing the analysis and research portion of the project after we had completed the labs. I was stoked to present my findings because I knew what I was talking about, and I knew it well. Also, I am in STEM, I had already done dozens of presentations over the last two years; I know how to craft a presentation and what is needs to include to be successful, so I felt confident in my abilities for that portion of the project. My presentation and poster went off without a hitch, earning A’s on both assignments, validating my feelings.
This one project has impacted my life moving forward. Knowing now how much I enjoy research and analysis will help me when it comes to choosing a major in college or finding my career path. It’s insane to think how nervous I was in the beginning and come out with a new vision for my life is so unexpected.
Thank you South River STEM for giving me such an amazing opportunity. Also, Thank you Mrs. Nulud for being an extraordinary mentor for this project and exposing me to careers that I had not thought of or knew about prior to this class.