Deadline: Varies by applicant’s location. See website for list of deadlines.
Funds: Complimentary two-year membership in NAGT, award plaque, and $500 in travel funds to attend the Geological Society of American’s annual meeting or $500 in classroom improvement funds.
Eligibility: Any teacher or other K-12 educator who covers a significant amount of earth science content with their students.
Description: The National Association of Geoscience Teachers requests applications for the Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards program.
The awards are given for exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the earth sciences at the precollege level.
Areas: The program seeks to:
- Identify excellence in teaching.
- Appropriately recognize and reward excellence in teaching.
- Stimulate higher levels of teaching performance.
- Establish NAGT as a strong support organization for precollege education.
- Via active statewide and sectional programs, build a solid state, regional, and national liaison with administrators of precollege earth science education.