View Proposed Policy Revisions

The revisions and development of Board policies are reviewed, considered, and discussed at public meetings of the Board. Board policy revisions and development have a review process which allows for public input. After the first reading of a policy, it is posted below for a 30 calendar day public comment period.

Below is the policy(ies) currently being reviewed and considered by the Board. Members of the public may send comments regarding these proposed revisions to the policy by e-mailing It is important to note that comments are for the policy(ies) only and not for any supporting documents. Following the conclusion of the public comment period, comments received can be reviewed by selecting the “View Comments” tab above.

The e-mail is for comments to revisions or development of a policy currently being reviewed and considered by the Board. Public comment may be submitted to the above referenced e-mail address during a 30 calendar day public comment period for each posted policy unless otherwise noted. The Board of Education reserves the right to edit comments to exclude obscene language or to protect information that is confidential in nature.

Policy JCA – Representative Student Leadership 

The Deputy Superintendent/Chief Student and Systemic Supports Officer is revising this policy which provides an organized mechanism for school system administration to hear, understand, and consider students’ views and perspectives, while providing students with opportunities for personal growth and leadership experiences. This policy is accompanied by Regulation JCA-RA – Representative Student Leadership. Public comment will be accepted through July 20, 2024.