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What is the School Breakfast Program?

The School Breakfast Program is a federally assisted meal program. It began as a pilot project in 1966, and was made permanent in 1975.  The School Breakfast Program is administered at the Federal level by Food and Nutrition Service.  At the State level, the program is usually administered by State education agencies, which operate the program through the agreements with the local school food authorities.  All Anne Arundel County Public Schools offer school breakfast since 1976.

How does the School Breakfast Program operate?

The School Breakfast Program operates in the same manner as the National School Lunch Program. Anne Arundel County Public Schools receives cash subsidies from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for each breakfast meal they serve.  In return, they must serve breakfasts that meet Federal Nutrition Standards.

How many breakfast meals are served each year in Anne Arundel County Public Schools?

SY 15-16               3,841,975

SY 14-15               3,521,223

SY 13-14               2,869,887

SY 12-13               2,285,116

SY 11-12               1,975,756

How many School Breakfast Programs are offered in Anne Arundel County Public Schools and what is the difference?

Traditional Breakfast

1. Schools may offer a traditional breakfast in the school cafeteria a familiar setting for students who already eat school lunch.

2. Schools that offer a Traditional Breakfast provide approximately 15 minutes for the breakfast meal prior to the start of the school day.

3. Students pay full price or no charge if your child qualifies for free or reduced-price meals.

Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMFA)

1. Schools participating the Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMFA) classroom breakfast program offer breakfast to all students every morning in the classroom free to all students.

2. Schools may apply for MMFA each spring if they maintain 40% or more free and reduced-price eligibility at the school.

3. Eligible schools receive State funding that enables the school to offer free breakfast to all students.

4. State funding may be limited, therefore all eligible schools may not be participating

47 Schools Participating

Elementary Middle High
Annapolis Marley Glen Annapolis Annapolis
Belle Grove Maryland City Bates North County
Brock Bridge Meade Heights Brooklyn Park  
Brooklyn Park Mills/Parole Corkran  
Eastport North Glen Lindale  
Ferndale E.C.C. Oakwood MacArthur  
Freetown Overlook Marley  
George Cromwell Park Mary Moss @ J.A. Adams  
Georgetown East Phoenix Academy Meade  
Germantown Point Pleasant Old Mill North  
Glen Burnie Park R. H. Lee    
Glendale Rippling Woods    
Hebron-Harman Ruth Eason    
Highpoint Southgate    
Hilltop Tyler Heights    
Jessup VanBokkelen    
Lothian Woodside    

Breakfast with Class

1. Schools participating in the Breakfast with Class program offer breakfast to students in the cafeteria (full price or free) but the students eat in the classroom with fellow classmates and the teacher.

2. Schools may be approached to offer this program if they have high breakfast participation or if a school is interested in offering an alternate school breakfast program in the classroom.

3. Breakfast with Class increases breakfast participation, takes less time to serve in comparison to traditional breakfast, helps build healthy eating habits and helps improve academic performance and attendance.

10 Schools Participating

Elementary Middle
Hillsmere Monarch Academy Arundel
Jacobsville Odenton Old Mill South
Jones Rolling Knolls
Lake Shore Seven Oaks


      Second Chance Breakfast

1. Schools participating in Second Chance Breakfast offer breakfast to all students after first period.

2. Breakfast meals are offered both in the cafeteria and at kiosks throughout the school building. School breakfast meals are purchased (full price or free) in the determined locations than transported to second period for student consumption.

4 schools Participating

Glen Burnie
Old Mill


    What are the Federal Nutrition Standards for the School Breakfast Program?
Breakfast Meal Pattern
Grades K – 5th Grades 6 – 8th Grades 9 – 12th
Meal Pattern Amount of Food Per Week (Minimum Per Day)
Fruit (cups) 5 5 5
Grains 7-10 8-10 9-10
Fluid Milk (cups) 5 5 5
Other Specifications: Daily Amount Based on the Average for a 5-Day Week
Min-max calories 350-500 400-550 450-600
Saturated fat

(% of total calories)

˂10 ˂10 ˂10
Sodium (mg.) ˂ 430 ˂ 470 ˂ 500
Trans fat Nutrition label or manufacturer specifications must indicate zero grams of trans fat per serving.

Breakfast Meal consists of 3 components from 3 Good Groups.

    1. Fruits (1 cup daily) offered in all AACPS schools to include:
      1. Fresh Fruit
      2. Canned Fruit, packed in juice
      3. Dried Fruit
      4. 100% Fruit Juice
    2. Grains offered in all AACPS schools are whole-grain rich.
    3. Milk offered in all AACPS schools includes:
      1. Low-fat Milk
      2. Fat Free Chocolate
      3. Fat Free Strawberry
    4. Breakfast menus meet:
      1. Calorie Ranges
      2. Saturated Fat Limits
      3. Sodium Levels
      4. Zero Trans Fat products only

Registered Dietitians at the local school level develop menu patterns and conduct nutrient analysis on the weekly menu.

State officials conduct nutrient analysis every 3 years.

What is the cost of School Breakfast? SY 2016-2017


Full Price Student $1.50

Reduced-Price Student                    $0.00

Free Student                             $0.00

Adult Breakfast                          $1.90

    For more information about the School Breakfast Program call 410-222-5900 or email jrisse@aacps.org
