Ian, Grade 11

I am an AACPS: Student, South River High School

Through the past couple years, I have had great teachers at Central Elementary, with Ms. Davis who is the best teacher for loving her job, and at Central Middle, with Ms. Sherwood for being the best at teaching and loving the students she teaches every year.

At South River I’ve also been blessed with amazing teachers, especially my World History teacher for being the best at teaching and loving the students she teaches. I have been blessed with the awesome teachers that I have had in my years in high school; they all are amazing at what they do in their teaching career. I am part of a Boy Scouts Troop that meets at my church where I strengthen leadership skills for life and we also discuss what daily good turns we do and I say, “I hold the door at school for the students and teachers that walk through the door and I thank them as they walk through the door.”

Thank you AACPS for being one of the best school systems in the state.